Did You Know Arkansas is the third most obese state in the nation!* Unfortunately, that is correct. After three decades of steady increases, obesity rates have risen to a record 37.4% of our adult population. In fact, the state’s obesity rate has doubled in the last 30 years!
If that’s not enough, our high school students also rank third in the nation in obesity at 22.1%. Our youth ages 10-17 rank fifth at 20.2%, while our children ages 2-4 from low income families rank 28th in the nation at 13.3%. If you find these trends alarming, you are certainly not alone.
Get Fit Arkansas is an initiative formed exclusively to educate people on the importance of adhering to a fitness regimen and proper nutritional plan as part of their daily lives in an effort to reverse this deadly cycle that is a major cause of both diabetes and hypertension.
*According to StateOfChildhoodObesity.org, a project of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.